Using the text How to Pray Without Talking to God, the class introduces the Unity way of affirmative prayer and Charles Fillmore’s teachings regarding prayer. Explore your understanding of Divine Nature and your Divine Identity. Enhance or begin a daily prayer practice that includes the Silence, journaling, and upholding intentions of self and others. Gain confidence in prayer as you develop your own rich inner Life of Prayer.

  • Understand Divine Nature and Divine Identity as the foundation for prayer.
  • Compare and contrast traditional prayer methods with your own way of prayer and the Unity method of affirmative prayer.
  • Learn and practice prayer language consistent with an evolving spiritual consciousness.
  • Start or renew a meaningful daily prayer and meditation practice.
  • Explore approaches to prayer in relation to wholeness, healing, prosperity, harmony, and purpose.

In the book, Unity minister Linda Martella-Whitsett provides a new framework for thinking about prayer that will revolutionize the lives of readers everywhere. The good news here is that you can pray without believing in God and you can have a rich and fulfilling spiritual practice without adhering to a set of creeds or dogmas. She encourages seekers to look within, rather than outside themselves for a God in the sky, for the spark of the divine that is at the core of their being.

How To Pray Without Talking To God is filled with the author’s stories of her own evolving understanding of God. Each chapter includes a section called “Talk to Yourself” that poses questions for readers to write about or share in a study circle.

This is a love-offering class and meets the “prayer class” requirement to enter into the Prayer Chaplain program.